"You're full of frills,
you know what it is, you know?,
is not a shock?
what can you do?
get your head out of the clouds
you live a reality
If you are a conspirator
arrange for yourself
arrange something
you are so full of bells and whistles ...
Quem sou eu
When you think of himself and end up seeing nothing?
then who said you would be darkness?
then you're wrong?
all the time was wasted time for us two?
when we find a day within a time
will be a perfect time
walking the streets, and you end up seeing
things as they are
beats me drive
is like a costume that makes me immune to my
thoughts, I keep thinking ...
at which point I wonder?
and why not continue?
perhaps a time for us now?
for a while now we are inside an emotional problem
when we are all here
I just keep thinking ...
Um dia você se da conta de que perdeu tempo, no outro acaba perdendo quem você ama e mais tarde você, ouve o silêncio de fica sozinho e depois de alguns dias você pensa em ver o teatro de bonecos e cara isso é ótimo, mas agora as pessoas estão sem tempo sem tempo pra você.
Você é o que você é...
Um protagonista sem sonho?